Tuesday, May 23, 2017

I Can't Believe I Did It!

This morning over cheerios and my first cup of coffee,  my buddy and I were talking about the countdown this week to the end of Middle School and onto High School this coming August. We moved Aidan midway through grade 6 from his comfortable elementary school in Canada and he took on the challenge of lockers, busy hallways, multiple classrooms,  and a new country in January of 2015.  As parents we knew it would either go very well or very badly - no middle ground.

He has four days left - two of finals and two of fun (that we determined in our sleepy conversation) and he turned away from his bowl and looked at me and said, "I can't believe I did it." 

We can believe it - this is for all the friends, family, teachers and mentors who helped Aidan get there! Success happens when you have nurturing, support and understanding. 

I can ride a bike!

Conquering a mountain trail 

First Day Grade 7 (August 2015)

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