Sunday, January 26, 2014

The Guide

I recently attended a conference held by the Ontario Hospital Association on Social Media in our healthcare system #smhc2014.  It confirmed to me what my goals are for this blog, my book and my son - we need to keep the conversation going.

The common theme amongst all the presenters was the importance of Peer to Peer interactions.  Whether it is a chat room to support cancer patients or a Facebook group of teens suffering from acne - sharing experiences, both successes and failures helps us to realize we are not alone.

I have often said that my son, Aidan is my guide through the Autism maze, but we need to also help guide each other.

Follow me, comment on my posts - we need to all be "tour guides" together.


Wednesday, January 15, 2014

How's your trip going?

Aidan has mastered the art of email! While we consider the flow of back and forth conversation to be purely verbal, adding how we connect through technology is equally important.  Think of how we communicate on a daily basis, it is more than likely that we send a quick text or email.  So while you are working with your Spectrum child, do not dismiss the importance of electronic messaging.

Enjoy our note from Aidan, another addition to the Purple Notebook.

Dear Mom & Dad, 
I hope you are having a great trip to Boulder, Colorado so far. I wonder what you two are doing today? You have only two days left of your vacation. Mom, I can't wait to see what kind of book you got me at the book store yesterday.
