Sunday, April 20, 2014

End of Life

End of Life
This is not an easy topic to discuss.  When you have a special needs child in your life, it is a necessary conversation that must happen, between caregivers, siblings and extended family members.  I initially did not consider this subject for the book, until Aidan and I were asked to present at a local University class with another parent.  It was the conversation after our talk to the students that stressed the importance of this topic to be in the book.  It has also been the most difficult to write.

A friend who follows the teachings of Buddhism, explained to me that the translation of worry in the meditations she follows is strangling.  Worry is my constant companion and the image of it strangling me suddenly became very vivid to me.   What happens to Aidan after I die has kept me up at night, his future when my husband and I are gone is one of the singularly biggest fears I face.