Thursday, August 18, 2016

Dear Teacher,

Some of the most practical and useful things for those who educate our Autistic children are often too simple for us to realize.  I was at a transition session held by an educational professional (focused on Middle and High School age) and she recommended a letter written by our children explaining their needs.  I consider myself "in the know" and fairly savvy when manoeuvring the system, however, this very basic concept never entered into my mind.
I spoke with another fellow mom and her daughter (at the encouragement of yet another professional) wrote a letter to her new High School teachers.  We both admitted this piece of basic information was something we never considered.
I framed the questions, but Aidan did this entirely on his own.  His words not mine.  Have a great year in Grade 8 my son! 
Some things about me:
I was born on March 20, 2003 in Windsor, Ontario, Canada. I have Autism and motor delays and at times, can stim  and have sensory problems. My favourite movies are the Toy Story series,and my favorite show is The Simpsons. I have an older brother named Sam who will soon turn 23 and lives in Ottawa, up in Canada. I also have a younger brother named Owen who is 11 and a half years old  and goes to school with me, of course.

Some of my strengths:
I remember a lot of things well, I am also very good at art and singing, and reading, and flexibility. And also yoga and deep relaxation. And I have good friends: Aidan Egbert, George, Gabe, Josh, Greysen, Casey, Erik, Will, etc.

Some things I need help with: Regulating, motor skills, getting materials organized, some exams in classes, controlling emotions, It’s better for me to type than write.

How I communicate:I’m autistic, but I’m verbal. And I’ll also need some extra time to answer a question.

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful post and a fantastic idea. You have amazing sons but they have amazing parents :) Love you all.

    Judy Nappa (Plante)
